While the COVID-19 pandemic has quarantined nearly a billion people, more and more luxury brands play their role in solidarity. The L’Oréal group has announced that it will be maintaining 100% of employment and salaries, foregoing the option of chômage partiel in France. Similar moves have been announced by Chanel and Hermès.
L’Oréal said it would maintain all of the jobs; and would not resort to chômage partiel in France until the end of June. This is despite the partial or total cessation of activity of several categories of personnel in many fields.
In addition, the group has committed, since the introduction of containment, to pay 100% of their fixed compensation to all of its 13,400 employees in France; 3,000 of these employees cannot currently remain in activity. The group will not carry over any social or tax charges during this period.
Finally, L’Oréal has mobilized and made available to the French authorities its operational infrastructure in France and China to order medical supplies in large quantities. This includes several hundred respirators and tens of millions of masks.
#Restezchezvous #Stayhome